Used Equipment & Donations

Donate Equipment

We accept donations of used equipment, such as walkers, wheelchairs, bath seats and many other items. When we get donation items like this, if they are in good condition they are cleaned and refurbished and donated. We will arrange for pickup of used equipment or you may send it to our shipping office.

Friends Of Ostomates Worldwide

Many people have left over Ostomy supplies after having surgery. We accept all ostomy supplies and provide it to the Friends Of Ostomates Worldwide foundation. Friends Of Ostomates distributes these products all over the world to people in need. We will arrange for pickup or you may send it to our shipping office.
You can check out the official FOWC Website HERE

Donation Incontinence & Woundcare

Since Friends of Ostomates only distributes ostomy products to people in need, we utilize other channels for products like Catheters, Diapers and Wound care. If you are a nurse or healthcare professional that is doing health work overseas, please feel free to contact us about any Wound care and Incontinence products that have been donated to us. We will pass them along to you to take on your health campaign over seas. We will arrange for pickup or you may send it to our shipping office.